
Logistics and commercial flexibility at our company allows us to provide a variety of  bussiness and industries, regardless of size and production volume. These are some of the most common applications of our products:

industria-panificacio-pastisseria Bakery and pastry industry

industria-carnicaMeat industry

additius-i-aromesAdditives and aromas

plats-preparatsPrepared dishes

lactics-i-gelatsDairy products and ice cream

Sodas, alcoholic beverages and champagnes

xocolates-torrons-i-llaminaduresChocolates, nougat and sweets

alimentacio-infantil-i-dieteticaChild nutrition and dietetics

melmelades-i-confituresJams and preserves


Food services for hotels, restaurants and catering

industria-ecologicaEcological industry

tractament-aigues-i-piscinesWater and swimming pool treatment

industria-quimicaChemical industry

alimentacio-animalAnimal feed